Building Trust and Credibility on Shopify

Building Trust on Shopify

Trust is one of the most important factors for higher conversions in Shopify. Baymard recently shared a research that shows 19% of people abandon checkout process because they didn’t trust the site with credit card information. In this post you’ll learn some quick tips and tricks to build trust and credibility on Shopify.

Before getting started for tips to create trust on Shopify, don’t forget that there is no universal truth. All of these can change for your business. Best way to create trust on your customers doing research with your customers and testing different solutions.

1. First Impression Count

It’s similar to offline, physical store experience. We won’t want to be disrupted, right?

Don’t bother your visitors with popups.

G2 run a research about popups and it shows that 82.2% of people just HATE popups.

First thing don’t be look spammy and don’t disrupt your visitors with popups.

Your website should follow design prensiple. Try to use a high quality Shopify theme and make sure it looks nice on desktop and mobile screens.

2. Show Yourself

When I start a new project, always create a segment inside Google Analytics that contains only visitors that complete their purchase and check the pages they visited.

There are always pages like about us, shipping and return policy pages.

When you think about it, it’s completely natural.

Spend time, put your updated contact us information and share your store on about us.

Show your office, team and packages photos.

3. Be Active on Social Media

Being active on social media is one of the best way to show your business is active and running.

Don’t let your social media alone. Show what you’re doing, latest reviews from your customers and let everyone see you’re active.

Run campaigns on social media.

Also try to increase your followers each day. If your accounts has less than 100 followers, it can be a red flag for some people.

4. Live Chat and Contact Information

Live chat plays a huge role to create trust with your customers.

Let them to reach you anytime they want and reply them back as soon as possible.

Also don’t forget to put your email, address and other contact information.

Being reachable and letting people to know that is important for building trust.

5. Create Content

Blog post, YouTube videos, webinars, podcasts, you name it.

It’s important to put some efforts for content creation.

Updated blog also means you’re an active company, not a ghost town.

When creating content, show your expertise. It’s also highly relevant with your brand and positioning.

Let’s say you’re selling pet products, then use some scientific researches and your expertise with pets.

6. Highlight Reviews

Reviews are important for product detail page optimizations. It’s also important for creating trust on your visitors, too.

One of the best practice I love showing customer reviews on homepage.

One of the best strategy is constantly getting review from influencers and experts in the fields and using them for people who’re in consideration process.

Ask with emails your customers to share their reviews.

7. Get on Press

Don’t focus on digital marketing too much. Getting featured on different news outlet great way to create trust.

Try to share your brand with different platforms.

When people search your brand on Google, they can see these reviews and it helps for trust.

This is why I’m running Ecomrazzi to spread the word of credible and trustable stores.


Trust is key factor for higher conversions. Cheap tactics and unstable popups will destroy your brand.

Don’t hide yourself. Show yourself, team, office and your operation process.

Be active on social platforms. It’s best way to show your brand is active.

Offer live chat on every page of your store, try to reply back questions as soon as possible.

Invest in content. Blog, YouTube videos, podcast. Format doesn’t matter. Share your knowledge.

Highlight positive reviews on homepage and product detail pages.

Try to get on press and share your brands.


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