Growth Suite is an app that lets you create time-limited discount offers and campaigns on your Shopify store. In this post, I will explain how to set up time-limited discount offers in your store using Growth Suite.
App Installation and Setup
Installing Growth Suite on your Shopify store is very easy. It does not require any code or theme changes. Just visit Growth Suite on the Shopify App Store and start the installation with one click.
During installation, Growth Suite will ask you some questions about your brand. Answer questions like your brand language and tone, main color code, and similar details.
After you answer, Growth Suite will start making suggestions for your store.
Store-Wide Time-Limited Discount Campaign
With Growth Suite, you can make both store-wide and personalized time-limited discount campaigns. First, let’s look at a store-wide time-limited discount campaign.
When you want to create a store-wide discount campaign, choose the “Store-Wide Discount Campaign” option when creating a new campaign.
Based on your store’s sales trends and analysis, Growth Suite will suggest the best days and times for your campaign. You can use these suggestions or set your own start and end dates.
After setting the discount dates, Growth Suite will analyze your store and suggest a discount rate. You can use the suggested rate or set your own.
Once this is done, Growth Suite will offer you several campaign ideas that match your brand, discount dates, and discount rate.
When you choose one of these ideas, Growth Suite’s AI magic begins and prepares your campaign from start to finish.
It creates your campaign popup, the campaign content for product pages, and the elements that will appear in the cart and cart drawer, including colors and texts.
All you need to do is review the generated content. If you want to change anything, you can easily edit it with the editor.
After reviewing, simply activate your campaign. On the start date, your campaign will go live on your store and work perfectly for your visitors until the end date.
The countdown and timer are added automatically, the discount code is created by Growth Suite, and it is removed automatically when the campaign ends.
Growth Suite also gives you a plan with dates and email content for email marketing. You can use this plan to schedule your email sends.
Personalized Time-Limited Discount Campaign
Another type of time-limited discount campaign you can create with Growth Suite is personalized offers for individual visitors.
In this campaign type, you can make special discount offers that are triggered by how visitors behave.
For example, a time-limited offer can be shown when a visitor adds something to their cart or leaves the shopping process. This offer is valid only for a short time and is unique to that visitor.
After a visitor receives an offer, they will not get another one during the cooldown period (we suggest 7 days by default).
Setting up this campaign is also very simple.
After choosing to create a new campaign in Growth Suite, select the “Personalized Campaigns” option.
Based on your store’s funnel report, Growth Suite will suggest which event should trigger this campaign. You can accept the suggestion or choose a different event yourself.
Then, Growth Suite will prepare the campaign for you and save it as a draft.
You only need to check the texts, discount rates, popup design, and the design of elements on the product page, cart page, and cart drawer. If you want, you can make changes to these elements easily using the editor and then save them.
After that, just activate the campaign. Growth Suite will analyze each visitor and show time-limited discount offers at the right moment for each one.
Growth Suite is an app that helps you add time-limited discounts to your Shopify store in an easy and effective way. You can install it for free from the Shopify App Store and try it out.
The installation process is very simple and does not need any technical knowledge. Without changing a single line of code, you can set up Growth Suite and then create both store-wide and personalized time-limited discount campaigns.
If you want to add time-limited discounts to your Shopify store while keeping your brand image, download Growth Suite from the Shopify App Store now and start increasing your sales.
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