Personalization Guide For Shopify

Personalization is a critical strategy to increase your conversions on your Shopify store. In this guide, you’ll learn;

  • What is the Personalization?
  • Benefits of Personalization
  • How to Collect Data for Personalization?
  • How to Use AI to Offer Best Personalization Experience

What is the Personalization?

Imagine you’re going into your local shop. Store owners know you, what did you talks last time you in there and you’re just continue conversation and your shopping.

She knows what you like, what you bought and what you might be interested. This is a familiar story for all of us.

Most of the time, these are the stores we feel loyal most. Why? Because they know us.

This is the personalization you need to persuade on your store. Also we need a technical definition to understand personalization better.

Gartner defines personalization as a process that creates a relevant, individualized interaction between two parties designed to enhance the experience of the recipient.

Benefits of Personalization

First let’s start why personalization matters. Based on McKinsey research in 2021;

  • Seventy-one percent of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions.
  • Seventy-six percent get frustrated when this doesn’t happen.

McKinsey Personalization Research

How this affects your business? Numbers are HUGE! When you have a valid personalization strategy, you can;

  • decrease your customer acquisition costs by as much as 50 percent
  • increase your revenue by 5 to 15 percent
  • increase marketing ROI by 10 to 30 percent. (Research)

Now as you can see personalization plays a huge role in conversion optimization and marketing process. It helps you to make your customer more loyal, increase conversion rate and revenue.

Here is the million dolar question. How can you start personalization?

Since personalization about knowing your customers and offering them best experience based on their preferences, we’ll continue with data-collection.

How to Collect Data for Personalization?

Data collection is the core of the personalization. You need to collect data to segment your customers meaningfully. There are three different category for these datas.

  1. Marketing Data: Your visitors device, source/medium/campaign, landing page, country, city, landing page…
  2. Behavioral Data: Visited products, collections, product added to cart, session counts…
  3. Zero-Party Data: Product finder quiz answer, support tickets and other interactions visitors take on your store.

When you combine these datas, you can start to understand segments on your store. What they are into most, how their behaviors different and how to offer personalized experience for different segments.

Google Analytics can help you to collect marketing and behavioral data but it’s impossible to map Google Analytics data to individual visitors and then use it for onsite marketing.

This is why you need to have an onsite marketing tool, like Growth Suite, on your store.

Growth Suite automatically collect marketing data, behavioral data and zero-party data and sync data with your email marketing platforms like Klaviyo.

This is the most important part. If you can’t collect data correctly then there is no chance to build a successful personalization strategy.

How to Use AI to Offer Best Personalization Experience

After collection data, you can start personalization actions.

It can be product recommendations, email automations, discounts… You name it.

The main decision in here is will you use AI or go with old school?

Personally I was people with old school mindset, creating my own segments and personalize each segment personally. Until 2 years ago.

Latest development on the AI field changes a lot and now it plays a HUGE role. Now you can automate personalization for the best performance.

I use AI for Growth Suite core engine to power personalization scenarios.

If you want to power up your store with personalization, install Growth Suite on your store now.

Growth Suite starts to collect data and then start personalization using AI.

Don’t forget to check out Conversion Optimization Guide, Growth Guide and Marketing Guide.


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