Free Screen Recording and Heatmap Tool For Shopify Stores

Conversion optimization for Shopify stores is mostly about finding UX, UI problems and that happens when you truly understand your customers. I know it’s easier said than done, but it becomes much easier when you can watch what your visitors are doing on your store and check out your pages heatmaps.

In this article, I’ll explain how you can watch your visitors’ sessions and use heatmaps for free.

Microsoft Clarity is a free tool designed for conversion people. It has two major features:

  • Unlimited User Recordings: This means you can watch what your visitors are doing on your store without any limit.
  • Unlimited Heatmaps: This means you can get heatmaps of your pages without any sampling like other tools do.

How to Install Microsoft Clarity

It’s pretty simple.

  1. Go to the Microsoft Clarity website and create your account.
  2. Create your first project.
  3. Copy the installation code.
  4. Open the Online Store menu inside the Shopify admin panel.
  5. Click on “Edit Code” on your current theme.
  6. Open the “themes.liquid” file and paste the code inside the <head> tag.
  7. That’s it. It’s done.

After you put your code, you don’t need to do anything else. Clarity will start to collect recordings and heatmaps automatically.

How to Use Clarity For Conversion Optimization

When you click on the user recording tab inside the Clarity, it gives you a “Filter” option.

Filter your visitors’ sessions based on their device (I choose mobile because most of the visitors use mobile devices for shopping) and visited pages. For visited pages, I always use two pages. The first one is the cart. The second one is the checkout completed page.

With these segments, I can watch people who go to the cart, and the second one helps me to watch people who only completed their purchases.

During these sessions, you’ll see how highly interested people are acting on your store.

This is real customers’ behavior, so you can easily see what their main concerns are, which page they’re looking for, and which part of your product detail page, collection page, and homepage they are visiting many times.

Checkout Heatmaps For Specific Pages

I also love to check out heatmaps. You can see the most and least popular elements on the pages.

Most of the time, I check out the most popular 10 landing pages’ heatmaps. Most of your traffic has just seen your brand with these pages. You can see which elements on these pages are mostly viewed or not viewed by your audience. It gives insights about your contents and placements on these pages.

Personally, I would also love to check the most popular exit pages and the cart page.


Conversion optimization is a long process, and this process starts with understanding your visitors. Watching session recordings is vital in this process. Thanks to Clarity, you can create your segments and just watch the most important visitors’ sessions.

Also, heatmaps help you to get more insights about your visitors’ experience in these pages. You can check scroll depth and clicks in specific pages.


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