Category: Growth

  • Email Marketing Guide For Shopify

    Email Marketing Guide For Shopify

    There are 4 bilion daily email users and it’s counting each day. This makes email marketing an important part of growth process for Shopify stores. In this post you’ll learn; How to approach email marketing Three types of email strategies you need to have Best practices for higher conversions and revenue from email marketing FAQ

  • How to Build High-Converting Sales Funnels for Shopify

    How to Build High-Converting Sales Funnels for Shopify

    You decide to join entrepreneurship journey with Shopify, picked a great name, launched your store with great products. Started a few campaigns on Google or Meta and waiting your orders. Waiting new orders for days, weeks or maybe months. Now you’re thinking what’s wrong? The simple answer: You can’t sell without having a well designed…

  • Value Proposition Guide

    Value Proposition Guide

    Value proposition is a promise you give your potential customers about the value they’ll receive after choosing you. The value can be physical product, emotional change and feeling, doesn’t matter. It should be sum of the all value you’ll provide to your customers. In this guide I’ll explain value proposition elements, how to create your…

  • Empathy Map

    Empathy Map

    Empathy map widely used by marketing and conversion optimization teams. After creating ideal customer profile (ICP), you can find more information about what is ICP and how you can create your own ICP), it’s important to create an empathy map. It helps you to understand your customer better, so you can optimize your marketing and…

  • How to Create Ideal Customer Profiles?

    How to Create Ideal Customer Profiles?

    Ideal customer profiles (ICP) commonly used in marketing, growth and conversion optimization process. It was mostly used by the B2B companies but today D2C and B2C e-commerce brands use it too to increase ROI of their marketing and conversion optimization efforts. In my previous article I explained the ICP term and benefits of it. You…

  • What is Ideal Customer Profile?

    What is Ideal Customer Profile?

    Ideal customer profile (ICP) is a popular term for growth, conversion and marketing teams. In this post I’ll explain what this term stand for and benefits of ideal customer profile.

  • What is Real Growth for Shopify Stores?

    What is Real Growth for Shopify Stores?

    Each Shopify store owner looking for growth for their own stores. Hundreds of experts, consultants and mentors sharing screenshots of impressive sales figures like six, seven or eight figures. Most time they end up either some course or some tactics. There are a variety of metrics like traffic, impression, ad clicks, conversion rate, revenue, profit,…

  • How to Grow Shopify Store

    How to Grow Shopify Store

    You’ve launched your Shopify store, established a strong brand, introduced your products to world. Now, the question that keeps you up at night is, ‘How do I grow my Shopify store?’. Everyone has a different answer for this question. A good store, great Meta campaigns, SEO audits, email marketing, push notifications, mentorship, affiliates, apps –…

  • Discover The Hidden Growth Channel: Referrals

    Discover The Hidden Growth Channel: Referrals

    Shopify stores are always looking for new channels to get new customers. Facebook, TikTok, Google Ads, SEO… New channels are new ways to get new customers, and it makes complete sense. However, most of the time people miss a HUGE channel they already have: their existing customers. I’ll explain why your existing customers are great…